-Tea Party News Radio“The Founding Fathers originally said, they put certain restrictions on who gets the right to vote. It wasn’t you were just a citizen and you got to vote. Some of the restrictions, you know, you obviously would not think about today. But one of those was you had to be a property owner. And that makes a lot of sense, because if you’re a property owner you actually have a vested stake in the community. If you’re not a property owner, you know, I’m sorry but property owners have a little bit more of a vested interest in the community than non-property owners.”
Now, I will agree that homeowners do have a financial investment in a community, but do not believe that this is the only form in which a vested interest can arise. According to Wikipedia, "the homeownership rate in the United States in 2009 remained similar to that in other post-industrial nations with 67.4% of all occupied housing units being occupied by the unit's owner." One third of homes owned, are not inhabited by the owner of the building.
White Americans are significantly more likely to own a home along with married couples. Young, single Americans are some of the least likely to own a home with females being the least likely. The idea that homeowners have more of a right to vote than any other person singles out minorities and the youth. This idea that our society should center around home owners further separates the tea party movement from minorities and young adults. They have already seemed to alienate the youth with their lack of support for same-sex equality, lack of investment in education facilities such as taxes that support schools. The tea party movement is simply aimed at the baby boomers beginning retirement now.
While my personal opinions tend to lean fiscally conservative and socially liberal, there are no candidates that really support this agenda. I do support the idea of welfare programs, such as food stamps and health care because I know people without those who still deserve to have a good life yet still believe The US, in my humble opinion, should try to conserve money, though, especially in this time of significant debt and through reducing spending in other areas. Most of the Millennials, the gen-y young adults of which I am a part of, tend to support the LBGT community with about two-thirds of the group believing in a deity. Politicians would be better off if they also looked into the views of young adults and made us feel as though we deserve to be heard, which is where, I believe, Obama succeeded.
Now, I rambled on there to show my political affiliation to some extent and for readers to understand my point of view. Given the current movement to increase identification required at voting facilities, my question is this, though, do you believe that the right to vote should be limited in any way? Another politician likened this movement to a poll tax being required for citizens, do you believe these requirements reduce the already low turn-out for certain segments of the population?